Here are two dogs with a message for all of us.
Pfynn, the German Shepard, and his neighbor, Gracie, are welcoming Gracie's new housemate.
Here's the back-story: a friend of ours discovered that a co-worker faced a dilemma. A visa snag had stranded her husband in Spain. For an unknowable length of time, husband and wife must be separated. With everything so iffy, housing became a problem for the co-worker.
Our friend stepped in: until the situation with your husband straightens out, she said, stay with me.
Pictured above, you see Pfynn and Gracie greeting the new roommate, as she arrived, with matching messages: "Welcome Home, Indre," and "We're So Glad You're Here, Indre!!!"
In these unsettling times, we thought this little story, of a friendly hand warmly extended, would be worth sharing.
--Joyce and Richard